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Novalogic Technical Support nonexistent?
        Total Views: 36385 - Total Replies: 14
May 02 2011, 10:01 am - By Victory4

Does anybody on here have any reliable way to get a hold of Novalogic Technical Support, especially a phone number? I have already sent repeated emails to the email address with no response. We have about a dozen user id's we need reactivated to use on Novaworld. The reason all the user id's expired to begin with is we were having technical issues with the game and could never get any technical support to fix them. We are using Delta Force Extreme.

Any advice would really be appreciated. Surely we aren't the only organization with this problem.

May 02 2011, 10:10 am - Replied by: WALKING CORPSE  -PO3-

try to pm wupass,,he can probably help you out,,
May 02 2011, 11:33 am - Replied by: sog.Ninjaman  .sog.
sog.Ninjaman  .sog.

Victory4 wrote:
 We have about a dozen user id's we need reactivated to use on Novaworld. The reason all the user id's expired to begin with is we were having technical issues with the game and could never get any technical support to fix them. We are using Delta Force Extreme.
What are you doing with "a dozen user id's" and what was the "technical issue with the game" you were having?   Are you an internet cafe of some sort ?

May 02 2011, 12:00 pm - Replied by: Victory4

I can appreciate why you would ask that.  We are a voice/data/wireless company.  When it was working we would play against each other on the LAN at night.  Usually like the sales department against the operations departments.


Most of the time we would get the following message: "Error 4005 the databases are unable to service your request at this time".  Other times we would have clients that could not see the server.


It would be so nice to get the game running again if we could only get technical support.

May 02 2011, 1:27 pm - Replied by: sog.Lt  .sog.
sog.Lt  .sog.

Have you tried recently? The databases were offline a while back and some of the errors which occurred during the downtime have been fixed.
The views expressed in this post are the views of Sog.Lt and not necessarily the views of Sog squad, any reference to any person living or dead is coincidental, no offence is intended and no animals were harmed in the making of this post.
May 02 2011, 1:46 pm - Replied by: Victory4

No not recently.
May 02 2011, 1:56 pm - Replied by: sog.Lt  .sog.
sog.Lt  .sog.

Well as was suggested above send a pm to wupass use the powersearch in the members tab above to locate his profile and you can send the pm from there
The views expressed in this post are the views of Sog.Lt and not necessarily the views of Sog squad, any reference to any person living or dead is coincidental, no offence is intended and no animals were harmed in the making of this post.
May 02 2011, 2:20 pm - Replied by: Victory4

Thank you very much for posting.  Exactly what will Wupass help with?  The network technical issues or the user id's? 
May 03 2011, 2:09 am - Replied by: sog.Lt  .sog.
sog.Lt  .sog.

Wupass is a Nova employee he should be able to help with all your problems 
The views expressed in this post are the views of Sog.Lt and not necessarily the views of Sog squad, any reference to any person living or dead is coincidental, no offence is intended and no animals were harmed in the making of this post.
May 04 2011, 8:19 am - Replied by: sarouk1  =NW=
sarouk1  =NW=

well you should have came here when you had the problems, all the fixes have been deleted. the "contact us" button on the blue bar at the bottom of page is suppose to work still.

if i recall correct, you have to log in to nova to play is one error fix.
and then there is a firewall port the host has to have open for others to join.
and on vista/win7 the user must have admin rights for the game have admin rights to do what it needs to do to connect. or "run as admin".

May 04 2011, 3:06 pm - Replied by: Victory4

Thank you very, very much for replying.  Do you have any further information on the firewall port requirement?

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