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Purchased Armored Fist 3
        Total Views: 31182 - Total Replies: 2
Nov 17 2011, 10:10 am - By daBreeze  =NW=
daBreeze  =NW=

I bought Armored Fist 3 as a download.

Got the file alright, then on the install it

ask for a "code"  which was not included

in the email that confirmed they accepted

the payment.

So does anyone know how to get the code

when you download a game.

I believe in Gun Control and always practice it - I never miss my target

Nov 17 2011, 11:36 am - Replied by: KostekMax  <=LoS=>
KostekMax  <=LoS=>

They usually send code with next e-mail, usualy in the same day but sometimes later
All in subject cZn squad and Nova...

Nov 17 2011, 2:46 pm - Replied by: daBreeze  =NW=
daBreeze  =NW=

Tks for reply.

I got an email from the company that accepts payment,

however it appears that they are not the same company.

My online account here says I never confirmed my email,

however, I have never got an email from them. I tried using a

different email and still have not got an email from "novaworld".

Any ideas?         

I believe in Gun Control and always practice it - I never miss my target

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