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F22/F16 how works Logitech G940?
        Total Views: 15605 - Total Replies: 5
Dec 23 2011, 8:23 am - By mack-swiss



how works the Logitech G940 Flightstick mit the F22 Raptor or F16?

Only works the Stick, but not the Throtte and the Ruderpedals.


Any Ideas?




Jan 01 2012, 7:33 am - Replied by: stompem

In the main menu select  :Options:
you will see a small window at the top with arrows on each side. 
Click on the arrow to the right-hand side 2 times to get to   Control/Performance

Then you will see the settings below as:

Joystick Layout        Standard
Throttle Controller   No
Rudder Pedals         No
Force Feedback       Disabled

change to

Joystick Layout       Standard Force Feedback
Throttle Controller  Yes
Rudder Pedals        Yes
Force Feedback      Enabled

This should get you going.
You may be able to get the other selections for Joystick Layout to work with your new Flight stick

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Jan 01 2012, 8:49 am - Replied by: mack-swiss

no, unfortunately that did not work
Jan 02 2012, 10:14 pm - Replied by: stompem

Do you have the drivers for your stick? Go to the net and get them.

(sounds like you don't have them, you are running in default settings mode, so the drivers for throttle and Rudder are absent)

One way is to check in the windows device manager for you Sound Video and Game Controller Driver versions

Note that some games require sticks to be set up in Windows first then they can detect them.
I have the latest Logitech F710 controller and it was very hard to get going correctly having to be working in Windows first.

Go to "Start" then "Run"  it will show "Open" and a little window  then type in compmgmt.msc hit "Yes" and select device manager


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Jan 03 2012, 12:12 am - Replied by: mack-swiss

Hi, i have the latest logitech driver. i play with the G940 all other Games (FSX, A-10, Strike Fighters, Black-Shark... all...)!
But the older Games, TAW and F22-Lightning 3 don't work with the Throtlle and the Rudder.
Jan 05 2012, 3:10 am - Replied by: stompem

So sorry I couldn't help you my friend
I will try to investigate some more complex solutions in the games configuration files to see if it is capable of running my controller with rudder etc...
Hopefully it is not just your particular device it doesn't like.

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