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Doeas anybody know how to contact an admin from Quizzy Snipe server in Delta Force Blackhawk Down?
        Total Views: 35773 - Total Replies: 7
Mar 05 2012, 10:27 am - By Twitch2323

 I was playing DFBHDTS earlier and there was a player by the name of The One and I am 99.9% sure that he was cheating.  i want to contact Quizzy Snipe Admin to find out how to become an admin so I can kick/ban cheaters.  I have been playing this game for over 10 years and have "NEVER" cheated.  Winning by cheating is not a win at all.  I's rather get my butt kicked from a legitimate player than take 1 kill from a cheater.  Any info on this would be greatly appreciated and beneficial to all who play online games and are sick and tired of cheaters.  Thank you.
Mar 05 2012, 11:05 am - Replied by: KostekMax  <=LoS=>
KostekMax  <=LoS=>

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All in subject cZn squad and Nova...

Mar 05 2012, 11:12 am - Replied by: Shadow74  =CHI=
Shadow74  =CHI=

BHD was fun playing with cheaters i enjoyed shooting down enemys that fly around with a gun that shoots like a minigun and fires rockets.....Kill them a couple times and they leave
Sep 13 2012, 2:29 am - Replied by: I.P.C.jpp88l

I remember when i ran my own server called new snipers my loading message said "anything go's enjoy playing" every now and then i would get some1 running hacks,to be honest i did'nt make a fuss or punt or threaten them with a ban i let them run it until people would complain then say to them that they had had their fun would they mind please turning them off now and not once did they refuse and if they come back they would respect me and the other players from then on.

I did have this fella running like a million miles an hour knifing people non stop i shot him twice doing it he liked that but yes when asked with no fuss they would just stop doing it altogether some times these people are not so bad types just testy.

Anyways i played in quizzy a few times and is a public server so you would have to look up their web page(which i tried to find could not find it)and if not have to ask some one in the server who admin is quizzy ain't a nova server so nova won't help you.

The Crazy Gang
    Why can't everyone be a Don's Fan
Because your all glory hunters

Nov 09 2012, 9:38 pm - Replied by: 183246

we handle cheats and we love to hear em cry

but most of em are gone now

Jan 06 2013, 12:52 pm - Replied by: Chupakabra  <=LoS=>
Chupakabra  <=LoS=>

wow wtf?
It say i can't post in this topic but i just posted
President of LOS
Feb 15 2013, 9:20 am - Replied by: rotaredoM

Smiley face


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Jun 02 2013, 2:55 pm - Replied by: USER1512


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