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Topic Fixing NWEC15
Fixing NWEC15
        Total Views: 21838 - Total Replies: 0
Dec 02 2010, 11:42 am - By Wupass  =EVL=
Wupass  =EVL=


  • Click "My Computer"  
  • Click  Local Disk (C:)       
  • Click  Program files if using 32 bit.  Click Program files 86 if using 64bit
  • Click Novalogic
  • Click  Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising actually any novalogic game in general that gets the NWEC15 code.   Note: Have this open but you want to still see your desktop so adjust the size
  • Right click on game or game.cfg  then edit game config mpgateserverlocalportmin = "49152" change the 2 to a 3.mpgatelocalserverportmax = "65536" change the 6 to a 7.mpnovaworldportrandom = "0" change the 0 to a 1.

  • Click File, then Save As-------- game                                
  • Select Desktop on the left or where ever as your save to destination.
  • Then just left click and hold the button down (left mouse button) and drag the game file you just saved to your desktop onto the game file in the game folder it should tell you that the file is already there, would you like to overwrite it.  Say yes. After you do that drag your edited game file onto ur joint ops icon on ur desktop and then your good to go.

That's it.

On your desktop icon for Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising or Delta Force: Xtreme right click the icon on your desktop then select properties, compatibility, check Run as Administrator then click apply and you are ready to go.

Firewall Issues: Go to Control Panel then Security and add ports  32768,  49152,  64206,  7957 and they are all UDP.    Hopefully this will help other people that have this problem. You could probably post this as a sticky to the public.

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