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        Total Views: 37848 - Total Replies: 12
Sep 21 2012, 11:35 am - By MeanOldBastard

For those in the DF Community that have asked and wanted question answered about DFBarracks, I hope to share some new information to you. Currently TheBarracks is going through a rework of the site. The forums have actually been restored and now some dedicated folks are working to try to get the data base back up and running. They are working on new codes to get this done asap. So hopefully in the near future, DFBarrcks will back back up. In the meantime, the map data base from DFB is currently being added to the one at DFReload.com. For folks that had thought that many of the old and early maps were gone forever, they're not. Eagle_Eye has given me access to all the maps and I'm working to get them loaded up at DFReload as quickly as my 2 stoopid hands will let me. So take a visit to DFReload.com to see if any maps you might have wanted are listed. If not, leave me a message with the maps name and or the map makers name, and as time allows, if I can find it, I'll get it posted for you. Thanks.


Sep 21 2012, 11:50 am - Replied by: CGS  =NW=

hi mob i wonder why df was close and i try to download maps but i got maps of other sitebut df is best side to join,but why is that up when we cant download??i see site and when im download is be error.i hop df is back soon i miss them
Sep 21 2012, 11:57 am - Replied by: MeanOldBastard

DFBarracks Is Not functional yet. As I said earlier,the Site is being worked on by a lot of folks to see if they can get it working. You can "see" the maps but you can't download them there yet, that's why I'm working to transfer them to DFReload. When you select any map on DFBarracks, if you look in your header line on the top of your browser, at the end of the line, there will be a number. Example. /mapdb/index.php?action=dm&mid=2155. That last number is the way the data base stored the map. So once you find a map you want, write that number down and when you go to DFReload, leave me a message that includes that number with the maps name and or the map makers name. hope this helps
Sep 21 2012, 12:07 pm - Replied by: CGS  =NW=

wow ok but can you say when you is up at site?
Sep 21 2012, 12:11 pm - Replied by: MeanOldBastard

Every Day. That's why I mentioned, leave me a message, I'll see it and get back to you asap.


Sep 21 2012, 12:14 pm - Replied by: CGS  =NW=

??ok i will take caer of you now=love df.but wher are you at bhd?you stil play bhd or
Sep 21 2012, 12:23 pm - Replied by: MeanOldBastard

Yup, I play BHD, JO as well as COD games on my Xbox. I still make maps for BHD also.

Sep 21 2012, 12:32 pm - Replied by: CGS  =NW=

ok but was name you use at bhd??and i never play jo and dfx.but cod im play.im at server and will have tdm maps.but i download novas maps and others map.

Sep 21 2012, 1:20 pm - Replied by: MeanOldBastard

My Name on BHD Nova games is M*O*B aka MeanOldBastard. My Xbox Name is MOB52
Sep 22 2012, 10:48 pm - Replied by: MeanOldBastard

I wish I could take credit, but I'm just the messenger. As of yesterday, Saturday the 22nd, DFBarracks is back up and running. All features are not available yet, but, you can access the forums, and you can now access the map data base for downloading. It's hoped I'm told, the more of the site will be coming online in the very near future. So come on over to the Barracks and give the folks that have been working very hard on this a project a big congratulations, like RedneckRetart, Bullet Magnet and so many others, EE not to be overlooked as he's kept the information safe and has always wanted to get DFB back out for the public to utilize.
Sep 23 2012, 11:48 pm - Replied by: CGS  =NW=

ty mob i will go to site and reg ther ty again and site is good

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