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Topic F-22 CD
F-22 CD
        Total Views: 19460 - Total Replies: 4
Jan 07 2013, 8:30 pm - By Scorpion69

I bought the EVERYTHING PACK from the Novalogic store. I downloaded all of the games. I installed F-22 and when I try to play it is asking me for a CD.
Anyone got a suggestion?

Jan 07 2013, 11:03 pm - Replied by: stompem

I have recently bought the game from a recent NovaStore digital download but not the pack and I didn't encounter your problem, I will reinstall the game again and get back to you.

Delta Force and Joint Ops Resource Site

*DELTA FORCE APPS - Play BHD with custom features enabled + 3 levels of difficulty.
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Jan 08 2013, 12:21 am - Replied by: stompem

Looks like you went and updated it my friend, I reinstalled no problem then I updated it and I got the same error so just uninstall it - Reinstall it and do not update it.  All will be fine;

This is what I got after applying the update.

Go to settings and change your graphics to 1024x768 and select Direct3D not Voodo


Delta Force and Joint Ops Resource Site

*DELTA FORCE APPS - Play BHD with custom features enabled + 3 levels of difficulty.
Download It Here... AI Control For BHD & TS
Jul 18 2013, 6:06 am - Replied by: exposure

Hi, I am trying to get people playing F-22 online again. I have created a website http://www.f22lightning3online.com/ with a Twitter @F22online to tell people when I will be hosting games online.



Xposure UX

Let's play F-22 Lightning 3 online again!
Mar 08 2015, 7:52 am - Replied by: kiddio  -hd-
kiddio  -hd-

how do retreve my product key for f22 lighting?
a real player!!!!!!

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