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Someone play comanche4 online?
        Total Views: 59494 - Total Replies: 9
Dec 06 2010, 12:14 am - By KazukiFuse  [MOE]
KazukiFuse  [MOE]


This :)


Dec 21 2010, 7:56 am - Replied by: Ewana

Yes... Found it alittle hard without joystick... But did injoy playing... Will be getting a joystick soon  LOL
Ewana (WV)
Jan 01 2011, 3:47 pm - Replied by: G Y P S Y

Playing Comanche Gold through Kali.com   Still the best helo sim out. Come join us.



M @ k o

Dec 21 2011, 4:40 pm - Replied by: LNS-Gonzo  =PXP=
LNS-Gonzo  =PXP=

KazukiFuse wrote:

This :)


can't get comanche4 to work on-line / multiplayer......

would love to play , but am not able to get past the scambled up log in screen where server list is.
must need some kind f update that nova dosen't provide - i have tried all nova's links.
still no help


Nov 09 2012, 5:35 am - Replied by: Cutlass1984

That is odd because i have windows 7 and Comanche 4 works on it i also can get into a Comanche 4 Server,


Speaking of Comanche 4 i have learned how to make Custom goals show on the comanche 4 game instead of the stock goals that come with it, i also learned how to get it to show on the map select screen


I am currently building an SP map called Operation Knifes edge for Comanche 4

Just as an aside, i learned how to do this with designing and building my own campaigns and missions fo the later Delta force series Like DFX and DFX2 




Nov 10 2012, 2:00 am - Replied by: Baldo the Don
Baldo the Don


The best way I know how to reinstall DFBHD(TS) and update it correctly by Baldo the Don

NAVSPECWARCOM's Nova Journal - Collected and edited by Baldo_the_Don

I used to have a fairly informative signature, but apparently, my account's been reset. What had made my sig so informative were the various links I had to tutorial and helpful threads I had posted, which have all been deleted by the resetting of my account, so if you click a link in one of my replies and it's invalid, that's why.

I may get around to reposting these tutorials, if they are missed by enough people. We'll see...

Meanwhile, if you need to see something I posted, all my stuff can be found at www.DFReload.com

Nov 13 2012, 9:18 am - Replied by: Cutlass1984

Baldo the Don wrote:


like the Skin Modification however, I'm happy with my Current Comanche colour, the only 'modding' i do on this is my custom .bin files for my maps, when it is complete the map will be made available for download with installation instructions,



V497-Vesper -aD-


Nov 14 2012, 6:40 am - Replied by: Baldo the Don
Baldo the Don

The Batman skin was just for fun, but that's not all I did. I fixed some items that exploded silently, edited up some trees that aren't in the original but should be, and figured out how to make them burn correctly. I renamed all the items in the items.def so that they group more efficiently in the MED dialogs. I made MED thumbnails for items that didn't have them. The wingman's Comanche didn't have a rotor sound, so I fixed that. I altered the .ldo files a bit. I also redid some of the campaign missions to be more fun (seriously, I got SO sick of crashing into the lightpoles at the spawn in Checkmate). I edited the ammo.def so that the 20mm and 30mm guns on the various helicopters have more realistic velocities (from 300m/s for both to 1000m/s and 800m/s, respectively), and I got frustrated in the mission HAZMAT that you only need four 20mm rounds to take out a SAM, but you had to fire at least two 3-round bursts, so I added an extra damage point. (Actually, I just checked, the 20mm damage values are original, so I think I reduced the SAM's hp.)

I probably did some other stuff, too. Fun stuff. I need to reinstall C4...

The best way I know how to reinstall DFBHD(TS) and update it correctly by Baldo the Don

NAVSPECWARCOM's Nova Journal - Collected and edited by Baldo_the_Don

I used to have a fairly informative signature, but apparently, my account's been reset. What had made my sig so informative were the various links I had to tutorial and helpful threads I had posted, which have all been deleted by the resetting of my account, so if you click a link in one of my replies and it's invalid, that's why.

I may get around to reposting these tutorials, if they are missed by enough people. We'll see...

Meanwhile, if you need to see something I posted, all my stuff can be found at www.DFReload.com

Nov 14 2012, 7:00 am - Replied by: stompem

LNS-Gonzo wrote:

KazukiFuse wrote:

This :)


can't get comanche4 to work on-line / multiplayer......

would love to play , but am not able to get past the scambled up log in screen where server list is.
must need some kind f update that nova dosen't provide - i have tried all nova's links.
still no help

Same here.
I had the game Comanche4 and even made a couple of crude maps before I discovered DF/LW/TFD and on....

All great scooting about the islands taking on the boats etc. The land missions were extreme in difficulty at times.
The SIM is very easy to control, it could have been expanded and included in the on-going DF series.

Be great to find a server that works.

LOCATION: Asia Pacific Region (Australia)

Delta Force and Joint Ops Resource Site

*DELTA FORCE APPS - Play BHD with custom features enabled + 3 levels of difficulty.
Download It Here... AI Control For BHD & TS
Nov 27 2012, 1:28 pm - Replied by: ufolev

You just have to use your novaworld username and password 
in Comanche4 multiplayer log in screen to reach the game servers
Now there is a working server named THE RAT CAGE 

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