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Sub-Forum Delta Force Xtreme 2
Topic mr wupass please help
mr wupass please help
        Total Views: 36191 - Total Replies: 21
May 22 2013, 11:29 pm - By mrjohjohn  =RfL=
mrjohjohn  =RfL=

mr wupass we need youre help every nite we are bullied by rebel and mr reddy, i ask them to play fair but these dont  i have left message on youre page to this please help us and they tell me to report them because nova does nothing go back and read transcript from game you can see, please wupass help us.. please can i get answer from you..
May 24 2013, 6:57 pm - Replied by: Rebel Yell  =RFN=
Rebel Yell  =RFN=

Respect Few Fear None
May 27 2013, 8:57 am - Replied by: PoB-Badboy

Good post, John.
May 27 2013, 10:42 am - Replied by: Ratzefatze  =ea=
Ratzefatze  =ea=

mrjohjohn wrote:
mr wupass we need youre help every nite we are bullied by rebel and mr reddy, i ask them to play fair but these dont  i have left message on youre page to this please help us and they tell me to report them because nova does nothing go back and read transcript from game you can see, please wupass help us.. please can i get answer from you..

Aug 05 2013, 7:06 am - Replied by: Nugz  =CHI=
Nugz  =CHI=

The only prob here is there are no armory's to reload so you have to ctrl+r just to get a rpg back...  No stingers...  well that just makes sure the maps are vehicle heavy with about 20 people...  atmost..  meaning no fun..    Anybody can get in a blackhawk or puma and fly around and kill a bunch of peeps!  I have done it!  I dont think Rebel or reddy are cheating..   DFX2 just favors the guys in the vehicles...   The only way we can resolve this is everyone go to Joint Operations!  There are armory's so you can reload if you miss with your 1 rpg!  and you can carry 2!  There are stingers that follow the helo sometimes the flares but they dont stand a chance there!  So if everybody went Joint Operations it will force them to come!  Then it will be like the ol dayz!!  When i molly whopped rebel yell !!   lol   But as long as you guys play this cheap mod that is vehicle heavy...   Vehicles will always rule the maps!

  Hackers Fear Me!  They Need To Hack To Even Come Close To Killing Me!

Aug 15 2013, 1:06 pm - Replied by: The.Devil

Nugz wrote:
The only prob here is there are no armory's to reload so you have to ctrl+r just to get a rpg back...  No stingers...  well that just makes sure the maps are vehicle heavy with about 20 people...  atmost..  meaning no fun..    Anybody can get in a blackhawk or puma and fly around and kill a bunch of peeps!  I have done it!  I dont think Rebel or reddy are cheating..   DFX2 just favors the guys in the vehicles...   The only way we can resolve this is everyone go to Joint Operations!  There are armory's so you can reload if you miss with your 1 rpg!  and you can carry 2!  There are stingers that follow the helo sometimes the flares but they dont stand a chance there!  So if everybody went Joint Operations it will force them to come!  Then it will be like the ol dayz!!  When i molly whopped rebel yell !!   lol   But as long as you guys play this cheap mod that is vehicle heavy...   Vehicles will always rule the maps!

Agreed. Great explanations.

May 14 2014, 10:49 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

mrjohjohn wrote:
mr wupass we need youre help every nite we are bullied by rebel and mr reddy, i ask them to play fair but these dont  i have left message on youre page to this please help us and they tell me to report them because nova does nothing go back and read transcript from game you can see, please wupass help us.. please can i get answer from you..
i are




May 14 2014, 10:52 am - Replied by: x. JoKer .x  -SoF-
x. JoKer .x  -SoF-

LOL- Mr JJ sure has changed his tune in 1 year
May 14 2014, 10:53 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

NSA-Joker wrote:
Sothpaw, where did you get this post from Mrjohn...LOL his tune sure has changed.
yeee i have it on my pmand lot of them to.xd




May 14 2014, 4:24 pm - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

wow they only answer me at other post .not in here




May 15 2014, 6:06 am - Replied by: ShiningSword  .FP.
ShiningSword  .FP.

Sothpaw - me no understand you - me make effort -me impossible understand you!!!!!!!!

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