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[Tachyon: The Fringe] Translate the Game into Other languages...
        Total Views: 8338 - Total Replies: 0
Aug 08 2013, 4:02 am - By KazukiFuse  [MOE]
KazukiFuse  [MOE]


I want to translate this game into the Spanish language.

Then i have 3 questions:

  • Novalogic don't support this game (Don't have support forum, etc.) Can i do it? (Nothing in readme files and no liense file intro installation folder) Not even the purchase link on the official website works correctly xD
  • I've seen 2 methods for a translation:
  1. Build a Script of all .wav files into pff file and record new wav files in Spanish with a lot of people ( This is the worst option)
  2. Make some subtitles into the ingame movies (I think this: if the movies are script files with camera position, ships position maybe i can put text in someplaces)
  • I've translate some Space Sims (And other games like DFX2 (I had to discard by  the new EULA) (My WebSite: www.cadetesdelespacio.es [Space Cadets]) and Tachyon is a good space combat game...

Can novalogic take me some technical support with this, please? Thanks

Kind Regards.

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