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Constant SYSDUMP.TXT saved errors when hosting a Joint Operations server (solution)
        Total Views: 7483 - Total Replies: 5
Mar 12 2017, 3:52 am - By VeryStableGenius

EDIT: It looks like this does not just apply to hosting a server, but for anyone playing the game on Windows 8 or newer. 

Hello, it seems like some people are having issues with SYSDUMP errors in Joint Ops. After a few hours of hosting or playing, the game will crash with that beloved sysdump error. I have discovered a solution to this.

This applies to: Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 / Server 2012, Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2, Windows 10 / Server 2016 and newer

1. After you've installed the game, DO NOT START IT. Proceed to step 2 at this point if you've never started Joint Ops on your current install of Windows. If you've started the game before, you'll need to go into your AppData folder and delete the old Joint Operations folder. For me was in the following folder: C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataLocalVirtualStoreProgram Files (x86)NovaLogic

2. From here, we need to go into your Joint Ops folder located in C:Program Files (x86).

3. Right click the NovaLogic folder and click Properties.

4. Click the Security tab.

5. Click Edit...

6.  In the Group or user names box, scroll down and click Users (YOURNAME-DESKTOPUsers).

7. Below that, you'll see a box titled Permissions for Users. In it, there's a section titled Full control, to the right of that, click the checkbox for Allow and click OK for the next two windows. 

8. Now, you can start Joint Ops and host your game, the sysdump errors should no longer occur. Please also note that you may need to reinstall Joint Ops and follow the instructions above again if this did not work. 

Please let me know how well this worked for you by posting a response to this thread. Please don't PM me with questions since someone else may have the same question and may want to see our responses.

EDIT: It appears that due to the broken formatting system, all of the backslash symbols aren't displaying. If you wish to copy the breadcrumbs for your own reference, please refer to it here: http://pastebin.com/raw/tGfxBRA9
Mar 17 2017, 9:29 am - Replied by: PXP Loki
PXP Loki

You are so Awesome !!!
May 13 2017, 10:16 am - Replied by: buzzer  -SoF-
buzzer  -SoF-

OK I will give that a try. But mine was working before I did the update to AMD HD 7990 video card (Crimson was the update) then when ever I launched JO I would get SYSDUMP.TXT SAVED and never got to open the game. It would crash. The game would never launch. Today  have reloaded first driver for that card (9/28/14/and it seems to work but when I open Firefox and watch a video clip it stops working and the screen goes black then... 5 seconds later the screen would come back but the browser would not be readable. I would have to close the browser and reopen it. So it has to do with the driver for the video card. That card is not old.  It has 3gbs of memory. That was not a cheap or old video card that card was 999.00 2013.  But I bet even if I bought the newest video card today.  I bet JO would not work. unless some tweaking was done to JO program.



May 13 2017, 10:33 am - Replied by: VeryStableGenius

That's a very good card, I wouldn't worry too much about it being defective unless other applications are failing too. If the above steps did not work you may have to uninstall and reinstall the game. I would also install the latest drivers from AMD's site: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download

If nothing works, perhaps it's time to reinstall Windows.
May 13 2017, 5:06 pm - Replied by: buzzer  -SoF-
buzzer  -SoF-

Hi I just loaded JO on a new installed windows 10 and used the latest driver for the Video card AMD ATI HD 7990 driver and got the same thing SYSDUMP.TXT Saved. It will not launch JO at all, so now what??? & I followed your instructions that you posted in the link above. I have installed directly from the CD
May 13 2017, 9:35 pm - Replied by: VeryStableGenius

When you go into your Joint Operations folder, is there a "game" or "game.cfg" file there?

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