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What do you really hate when you play online??
        Total Views: 4498 - Total Replies: 8
Jan 07 2018, 11:04 pm - By ShemihazaH

Let's share what kind of stuff we really hate in Jointops maps!
Hopefully hosts and mapmakers can take this into account so we can all enjoy improved game experience by working together. I think that's why it's called joint operations...


I still see a lot of maps without info texts. It's a first clue you may be dealing with a mapmaker who is easily satisfied!
I think it is better to avoid such maps if they don't make extensive use of consol and text messages to compensate for the missing info text.

This is the kind of crap you can expect from such maps:

- AI respawning right in front of players
- AI hiding behind rocks, trees and on inaccessible rooftops unable to walk (so how did they get there to begin with??)
- players being killed without warning for leaving an unspecified mission zone
- grass growing through floors of buildings (no tiles)
- floating vegetation (sometimes even right at mission start, how can that escape your notice when you test your map?!)
- buildings suspended in the air without any form of support, thus defying the laws of gravity - I will never understand why some mapmakers think the laws of gravity should not apply to their structures!

Please feel free to (dis)agree and let us know what you really don't want to see anymore in this game!

Jan 13 2018, 4:32 pm - Replied by: Sweed --SoJ--
Sweed --SoJ--

AI in front of your spawn.
AI behind bushes.
AI with 100% aim 1km away.
AI in trees,that you cant anyway spot or see in any angle.
that is annoying,but i wouldnt complain.
map makers have done so much work for this game and this community,they do some misstakes.
All map makers have done a big job,even if it wouldnt be an acceptable map.
If anyone want to complain,then i suggest that you dowload Nile or other programs, make a map, upload it to us and wait to us to clap our hands.
Jan 13 2018, 5:39 pm - Replied by: Sweed --SoJ--
Sweed --SoJ--

Sorry,i dont want to complain while i do :) ive done some maps,many that are not anymore online,,few are still online,, look at Coop maps made by freezinswede,no good but they still work. :) and all that you have listed annoys mee too,and im quilty too :)
Jan 14 2018, 12:51 pm - Replied by: VeryStableGenius

Jan 24 2018, 5:48 am - Replied by: Nikita

I hate when you can't find the bots 'cos they're hidden.
This is even with the ones in the open. Using mini guns, grenade launchers or whatever but the fog stops you from seeing them.
The bots have high accuracy, alertness or both.
What can happen is, when you get close in their radius in less than 2 seconds the bot turns to you, fires once, you're dead then it faces normal direction.

A few years ago I downloaded a map (can't remember which) I looked at the WAC file. 1st shot accuracy was 1,000 and the 2nd shot accuracy was 1,000.

I also hate bot JAVs. You can only use them on land and sea vehicles, but bots that use JAVs can use them on anything.
Dark maps and on AW2 when music just starts playing while on a map and have to keep turning it off.
Jan 24 2018, 2:55 pm - Replied by: MOXEE.  -USM-

I hate the closet hackers.
I hate it when I go into a COOP map, and some moron is shooting me (meaning TJ). Why do maps have team-kill on anyway? I have even shot some people on accident myself. If I'm sniping and you stand in front of my gun you will die lol.

Jan 24 2018, 7:59 pm - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

look when they fire first.then you know wher they stand

Jan 25 2018, 7:39 am - Replied by: MOXEE.  -USM-

You and Ron must be brothers of a different mother
Feb 03 2018, 12:06 am - Replied by: ShemihazaH

Sweed --SoJ-- wrote:
I suggest that you dowload Nile or other programs, make a map, upload it to us and wait to us to clap our hands.

- Feel free to download 'Crimea War Air Force' now on dfbarracks. I think I have carefully eliminated all grounds for possible disappointment.

I would like to add one more common mistake made by many mapmakers:
most maps it is impossible to lose!
THAT IS NOT HOW WAR WORKS!!! You should be able to win or lose. You don't know the outcome before you go to battle.

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