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Logitech: Mapping Mouse Keys
        Total Views: 4246 - Total Replies: 2
Feb 21 2019, 7:17 pm - By uRnOdAiSy


Hi All,

I recently reinstalled JO + Escalation. I bought the Steam bundle. I am having difficulty remapping my game keys to my mouse keys. Back in the old days of JO (2004-2005), I used a Logitech MX500/518 and had the mouse buttons remapped to keyboard strokes and it worked flawlessly. I am now using the modern version of it (G400s) and the game is NOT registering the mouse buttons or remaps except for R/L MOUSE buttons and scroll Wheel.

I am using Windows 10 Pro and the latest software from Logitech. I just might be overlooking something... I am wondering if this is a known issue at all and if someone has any experience with the situation. While not all input might be helpful, thanks for trying to help.
Feb 22 2019, 11:52 am - Replied by: L1fel1ke  =CHI=
L1fel1ke  =CHI=

Take a look at X-Mouse Button Control software. It should allow you to bind your mouse buttons to keys on your keyboard ("numpad +" for example). Now your mouse button will operate as if it is the "numpad  +" key. Bind the "numpad +" or whatever key you chose to the action you want it to perform ingame and voila.

Actually, the Logitech software probably has this feature built in. Try looking for "Macros".
Feb 22 2019, 12:54 pm - Replied by: uRnOdAiSy

Thanks! I really appreciate your reply. I had already performed that and was therefore perplexed when the keys weren't seen in game.
Here is the solution:
When you remap the mouse keys to keyboard stokes you have to remap in game under "keyboard" binding settings and not "mouse" binding settings. So under keyboard settings you would press the remapped mouse key.

That was I think the thing I was 'missing' this time that I did right 15 years ago.

Thanks again.

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