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Just bought game, "unable to create a network socket" error
        Total Views: 8758 - Total Replies: 1
Mar 28 2020, 5:29 pm - By Sir Skurpsalot
Sir Skurpsalot

Bought the game through steam and I am running it through steamplay (linux mint).  When I try to launch it I get the error "unable to create a network socket".  I've tried the steps in the NWEC15 faq in case that is  referring to the same thing.  Opened all the appropriate ports in firewall and did port forwarding in the router too.  Anything else I can try before I have steam refund me?  Thanks for reading.
Apr 01 2020, 3:15 am - Replied by: PLAzmA

Hi, as its a windows only game i would assume that you or steam are trying to use it under wine/play on linux which is built on wine.

It is possible, but you need to build wine from source and apply a patch, see:

There is a patch file here: https://eastbit.net/priv/jofix.patch

Build wine from source and apply the patch (see answer here of how to build from source and apply a patch file):

Hope that helps.

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