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JO gold can't shoot with scope
        Total Views: 10273 - Total Replies: 3
Mar 03 2016, 6:54 pm - By richmo90

Just loaded JO gold, and works well, but when I aim with a sniper scope the gun won't shoot.
Apr 07 2019, 2:14 am - Replied by: ShemihazaH

open the game.cfg file in your game directory
you can switch sniperscope on and off by setting to 0 (off) or 1 (on)
Apr 09 2019, 8:47 am - Replied by: PLAzmA

You are using right mouse to switch to scope and not using B for the Binoculars right.

If your playing in nova world mode (not lan or solo play) i dont think the game.cfg file settings would make any change as the restrictions are set by the server you join and not the local game.cfg i believe (which only effect lan or solo play)

Also you say your switching to scope but cant fire, i dont belive the issue was the game.cfg setting, as far as i know only disables the ability to zoom scopes, again depending on the server/mod its possible that some guns will have zoomable scopes and some dont.

May 04 2019, 2:46 am - Replied by: ShemihazaH

PLAzmA wrote:

If your playing in nova world mode (not lan or solo play) i dont think the game.cfg file settings would make any change as the restrictions are set by the server you join and not the local game.cfg i believe (which only effect lan or solo play)

True. I don't know why I posted this. Please discard.

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