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AW2 Advanced Warefare 2 , and Joint Ops installation questions
        Total Views: 6422 - Total Replies: 2
Jan 07 2022, 4:56 pm - By Timberwolf 2004
Timberwolf 2004

Hi all, I finally got round to downloading AW2 ,,,, :)
But ive been wanting to try AW2 some time now and  since AW2 doesnt work with the Combined arms package of the game, i decided to turn into Indiana Jones and go searching threw all my boxes of stored stuff/junk looking for my original two games...and woo hoo  i actually found them ,,,dusty but functional... :)
My Questions are regarding which folders to place the original game and the mod and its patch into..I read the forum instructions but would like some slight clarification on this stuff.
Instructions for Joint Operations Typhoon basically say -
 1 - create a new folder, call it Novalogic, and place this new folder into your existing folder called Program Files. 
 2 - But do NOT place this new Novalogic folder into your folder called Program Files (x86)...  
 3 - Then install Joint Operations Typhoon Rising into your New Novalogic Folder
  First Question - regarding above instructions 
  Is there a simple explanation why not put it in Program Files (x86) ?? ..... does it matter ??? ....or.... answer is to complex, JUST DO IT... lol :)
Instructions for Advanced Warfare 2 basically say -
  1 - Create a new folder call it AW2 , and place this new folder in your existing folder called Program Files 
 2 - But do NOT place this new AW2 folder into your folder called Program Files (x86) ... 
 3 - Download the Advanced Warfare Mod and save it in your new AW2 folder that you created in your existing Program Files folder.
  Second Question - regarding above instructions . 
 Does the AW2 folder just go into Program Files folder and thats it ???
Does the AW2 stay outside the Novalogic folder , or does it go inside the Novalogic folder ?   
 Third Question - 
  I noticed that when i begin the install of AW2 it asks for a folder location to install to.
  In its list of options to choose from it automatically shows Program Files (x86) as its first choice... so i guess i ignore that and do NOT select Program Files (x86) , But instead i manually select the folder "Program Files" ?????
 one of the reasons i am asking this last question is that for the last few years i have had Joint Operations Combined Gold pack installed in Program Files (x86) and it was working ok so far as i can tell... did i not have it in the proper folder? , would it have worked better in the other folder ?,  does it matter? ...or does combined gold pack and original JOTR  function as two totally different animals, where as JOTR specifically cant function in program files 86 for some reason ?
I kinda understand that the newer updates just replace the older updates, im ok about that part of it all.
 Im curious about game and mod placement / order / arrangement in folders....?

Ok thats all my questions about putting games, mods, updates in their proper places inside of files and folders ... 
 thank you in advance to anyone and all who can shed some light on this. 
 Timberwolf 2004 
Make a tea, sit down, relax and play JOE coop,
Jan 12 2022, 1:19 pm - Replied by: Timberwolf 2004
Timberwolf 2004

to simplify/shorten my above previous post ...

do i put AW2 inside the folder called "program files" with the novalogic file,,, Or do I put the AW2 file inside of that novalogic file ?

the explanation they gave wasnt clear to me about this.

where do we place the game mod file(AW2) , in which of the following folders...?
"Program Files" --- "Novalogic" file --- or "Joint Operations" file  ?

these are probably dumb questions, but im not the greatest with computers :(
Make a tea, sit down, relax and play JOE coop,
Jan 13 2022, 9:29 pm - Replied by: Timberwolf 2004
Timberwolf 2004

Finally got AW2 (advanced warfare 2) to work,,, thank goodness...lol

dont how i did it , was having so many issues, especially with the updates , i was getting a error that kept telling me i was missing "blink32.dll " ... i gave up and think i just copy and pasted the updates into folder and somehow it seems to be working...

so frustrating.... grrrrr

BUT... i finally got to play AW2 , and it was cool.. new weapons, and it seemed like some new changes to some old maps...

i played about 4 games tonite and liked it,,,looking forward to playing AW2 more often...

Make a tea, sit down, relax and play JOE coop,

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