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BANNED FROM =J4F= server tonight for nothing but playing
        Total Views: 27497 - Total Replies: 4
Nov 04 2022, 10:37 pm - By Cool Canadian
Cool Canadian

I was playing tonight in =J4F= server and had just killed the cheat Onyk with my RPG at F base - when my screen went blank. I was BANNED because someone was having a bad night. Not going to play in =J4F= servers with moderators like that!  I need to find new games to play clearly.  
Nov 05 2022, 8:40 pm - Replied by: Cool Canadian
Cool Canadian

BAN Alpha -J4F- server!

Nov 19 2022, 12:07 pm - Replied by: DCM-Grunger 6600
DCM-Grunger 6600

I played on that server yesturday and all the players seemed find. I had good fun.
Dec 06 2022, 12:38 am - Replied by: Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>
Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>

The silence is deafening.

1. Turn off your lag switch or get a better connection which ever it is. I have killed thousands of players with a short burst from short range day after day game after game. But not you. Not anymore. 5 times during Sulawa and twice the map before. I put 20-30 rounds in you, you don't even move left or right, you just move straight towards me every time, then shot your rocket. Those were the only times I engaged you that day and each time it was the same result. Others said the same thing that day. The problem is on your end.

We will reconsider only if you have made the "adjustments". 

2. See 1. above.

Grenade onto others as you would have them grenade onto you...........If you're gonna knock down my front door you'd better bring EVERYBODY!! You heard me...you better bring everthing at your disposal. BLOOD WILL BE SHED!!. LMAO!!
Dec 06 2022, 12:40 am - Replied by: Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>
Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>

"The cheat" Onyx? You don't know me. 
Grenade onto others as you would have them grenade onto you...........If you're gonna knock down my front door you'd better bring EVERYBODY!! You heard me...you better bring everthing at your disposal. BLOOD WILL BE SHED!!. LMAO!!

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