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Silly question - is there any way to contact NOVALOGIC
        Total Views: 31506 - Total Replies: 2
Jan 06 2022, 2:21 pm - By Admiral1960

silly question, is there any way to contact nova logic
Jan 07 2022, 7:54 am - Replied by: CN.FP.  -USM-

No  Need   Nova    is  back on line  @ what looks  to be   decent  Latency. just  dont  Bulldog.  or   his  arse  lickers

Jan 07 2022, 11:29 am - Replied by: PXP-WINGNUT  -PxP-

That's Nova Lounge , Which is Own by THQ Nordic. this include ALL OF NovaLogic Media !!! and gaming platforms.
their is a forum for Nova , you'll have to create an account , and register, then search for Nova thread. 

It's been a while since my last visit, 9 months ago. I'm sure nothing has change but more bitching ..  it amazing what you idiots want ... ehehehehe

keep bitching , I'm sure they read all new post with great Enthusiasm.. LOL.. JTF !!

good luck to whom this really concerns !  

CN.FP. wrote:
No  Need   Nova    is  back on line  @ what looks  to be   decent  Latency. just  dont  Bulldog.  or   his  arse  lickers

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