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Topic Novaworld server issues
Novaworld server issues
        Total Views: 69512 - Total Replies: 13
Nov 16 2018, 9:48 am - By RMS-Force  <:BOB:>
RMS-Force  <:BOB:>

It seems Novaworld2 and the game servers are having connection issues. I cannot get to game server screen and when I do it is random that I can join in a game. Noticed this back on the 7th of November 2018. Before this time all was fine. Any feedback?
If it moves, if it make a noise, TAKE IT OUT!!!!!!!
Nov 18 2018, 3:14 pm - Replied by: VeryStableGenius

I just played a few days ago on 3 servers and didn't notice any problems. Sounds like it's isolated on your end. 
Nov 18 2018, 4:31 pm - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

I have had ZERO issues playing and joining servers.
Nov 27 2018, 11:26 am - Replied by: RMS-Force  <:BOB:>
RMS-Force  <:BOB:>

Still no connection even after re-installing game. Using Netgear C6300 router.
If it moves, if it make a noise, TAKE IT OUT!!!!!!!
Nov 27 2018, 12:26 pm - Replied by: Sweed --SoJ--
Sweed --SoJ--

Probably nothing to do with your router,or internet connection.
Have you updated the game properly.
Have you installed some other version of windows.
Have you checked the settings for firewall or other security programs.
And you if you dont find a solution here then you might check steams Forum too.
Thats all i would do,and only thing i can come up with at the moment.

Dec 05 2018, 3:06 pm - Replied by: PXP-WINGNUT  -PxP-

RMS-Force wrote:
Still no connection even after re-installing game. Using Netgear C6300 router.


First if you use the digital downloads there is nothing to up-date !!   .. Period !!

your digital download is on your page in my stuff.. use it ..


Second, yes I know this problem well ... it your connection , or the Modem..


My suggestion is call your internet provider, tell them your having connection problem.

Not sure what your speed is you can use this link if you want... or find one of your own ..


https://www.google.com/search?q=internet+speed+test+google&rlz=1C1OKWM_enUS762US762&oq =internet+speed+test&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.12939j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


most provider want you to use theirs.. for about a year I had this problem ,, they found a broken wire in the ground from a repair a few years back that was cut during some construction..


Also Modem go bad !!  let no one bull golly you about that ..


Again if I was you call your provider, let them monitor your service and find out what the problem is ..


You connection before your computer is your problem .. either something inside or something outside ..


I hope this help good luck .


Dec 15 2018, 8:28 am - Replied by: Hammerman  [SGM]
Hammerman  [SGM]

unable to connect to Jointoperation Game server for a while now.
Dec 15 2018, 9:38 am - Replied by: RMS-Force  <:BOB:>
RMS-Force  <:BOB:>

My game was not a digital download, I have the original disc when the game first came out. Steps I took to try and fix the issue were: call comcast but their tech could not find any problem, changed router to an old router I had with some improvements but still having issues, reinstalling the game with no luck, uninstalling some Windows 10 updates no help, then lastly replacing my router with a new one and still having problems not just with the game but with my roku and the channels not connecting properly and most time slow. I gave up on it for a week saying good-bye to this game's awesome on-line multiplayer experience. I came back to it a few days ago and all is good now. What fixed it I have no clue but it's working like it used to except for the occasional "Novaworld is down" problem that they seem to have.
Thanks for all your help peeps.  
If it moves, if it make a noise, TAKE IT OUT!!!!!!!
Dec 19 2018, 9:22 am - Replied by: DVS14U2-PXP  -PxP-
DVS14U2-PXP  -PxP-

Awesome , good luck...  I too have problem with WIN10 and many software,  I reverted back to my WIN7 PRO ..


I even got Microsoft involved, for three days (remote logins) we went back and forth. they got a few tec involved too.  they finally told me they were at a lost too and couldn't get it working ..


I told then thank you , and rid myself of WIN10 .


For those of you with no issues and are happy with WINDOWS10 .. good for you ..

but the reality is many of us have issues with 10 ...   mine was an UPDATE for 7 to 10 , and from what I understand that has been a problem for a lot of us ..

I will wait for next version of windows OS .. but I don't expect much form them .. 


maybe a factory install is different, or the CD install ..

but I think at this point in time ,  If it's not broke why change it ?


Sep 18 2022, 4:32 am - Replied by: coopwarriors.nl

is down for 2 weeks and extreme for a month   and now all games are down what the fck 
Nov 30 2022, 5:17 am - Replied by: ALZEE

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